Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cheddar Walnut Loaf

I had so many great possible food posts and then my camera went on the fritz. So I lost Empire Szechuan, the delicious German roladen I made, and the second round of IRON CHEF-Asparagus pictures. Sigh. Anyways, I got this old copy of Diet for a Small Planet, which was adored by the seventies counterculture as one of the first vegetarian cookbooks.

I like how the book tries to translate meat-centric items of American cuisine, like hamburger patties and meatloaf, into veggie fare. I made the cheddar-walnut-loaf. It was a rousing success. Really. Nutty, cheesy, savory and filling; I threw in some tarragon for good measure.

Check out this gargoyle we got!

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