Wednesday, February 20, 2008

16 Days and Growing

16 day old Kombucha!

Here's what our baby kombucha looks like. Really awesomely disgusting. I keep tasting it and it's not at the nice n' tangy, ache-the-back-of-your-throat stage that you get from store-bought kombucha... I think I'm going to let him grow a little more, however, how long can it go? I have no idea. The tea is starting to evaporate.


brainmonster said...

Hey! Cool - I discovered Kombucha awhile ago and it's been catching on more lately.

I did a food review in Hawaii of "hawaiian mexican food" and another really weird restaurant.

Add me to your blogroll!

ALEX said...

kombucha is a culinary meth lab.

ALEX said...

kombucha is a culinary meth lab.

Nicole said...

yo biotch! that kombucha looks like this time my neighbor in high school peed in a jar for 5 days and then gave it to me and my sister as a present. there was a lot of calcified sediment in the bottom. looked like kombucha, are they related?